Follow Me: Understanding the Call to Discipleship
October 14th, 2024
IntroductionIn today's sermon, we delved into Matthew 4:18-22, where Jesus calls His first disciples with the simple yet profound command, "Follow me." This command is foundational to Christian discip...  Read More
Praying for Political Leaders
October 7th, 2024
In a world where political tensions run high, it can be easy to forget the power of prayer. As we approach another election season, it's crucial to remember our biblical mandate to pray for our politi...  Read More
Authentic Community
October 7th, 2024
Community is something we all want, but sometimes, we can have a hard time finding it. Especially a true, authentic community that extends further than just a gathering of people. In the age of digita...  Read More
How Do We Know the Bible is True?
October 2nd, 2024
There’s not much in our world that can be proven to be 100% true. The vast majority of what we know can’t be proven by the scientific method. In our legal system, we use the rules of evidence as our s...  Read More
Disabilities and the Church
October 1st, 2024
How is the church meeting the needs of people with disabilities and their families? As a special educator, pastor’s wife, and most importantly mother of a daughter with Down Syndrome, I think of this ...  Read More
When Grief Holds Hands With Hope
March 12th, 2024
The foster care world can be a dark place. Children are separated from their biological family and might be placed with complete strangers – losing every aspect of their “normal”. There is pain, separ...  Read More
A Dozen Ideas for Faith-filled Easter Basket
March 12th, 2024
You have the monogrammed basket you have used for years, or maybe each year you purchase a new brightly-colored basket for Easter goodies. There’s no problem finding an array of stuffed animals, Easte...  Read More
The Greatest of All Celebrations
March 5th, 2024
The reason for the most significant and joyous celebration is fast approaching. We call it Easter--Resurrection Sunday. As parents and grandparents who desire our children to experience, celebrate, an...  Read More
A Widow's Hope
October 26th, 2023
The club nobody wants to join:  widowhood...  I don’t like the word, even to check it on a form.  But being a widow is part of God’s design for my life, and so accept it I must.  I guess my life is mu...  Read More
Belle Aire Loves the Boro
October 23rd, 2023
The last documented words of Jesus before His ascension to heaven were, “You shall be My witnesses in Jerusalem, Judah, Samaria and even to the remotest part of the earth.” Acts 1:8Did you notice wher...  Read More
Seven Ways to Seek God as a Busy Mom
October 18th, 2023
I remember the days as a new mom, wondering where all the time was going.  Daytime and nighttime blended together as I was feeding my newborn around the clock, and caring for her every need in between...  Read More
7 Steps Toward Experiencing Intimacy with God in Prayer
July 19th, 2023
In the eighth grade at Hobgood Elementary, my science teacher asked us to write a research paper on a science topic of our choice. I didn’t know what to research, so he suggested archaeology. I didn’t...  Read More